It Has Made More Than $225 Million In Loans And Provided More Than 48,000 Hours Of Technical Assistance Since 1999.
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Douglas Lennett Williams,age 84, of Buckholts died Monday Douglas Lennett Williams, 84, of Buckholts, went to be with his Lord and Savior on June 11, 2018 surrounded by family. Born on December 12, 1933 in Milam County, TX, Douglas was the only child of Elmer and Jewel (nee: Baskin) Williams. Doug spent his early life in the Buckholts community, graduating Valedictorian from Buckholts High School in 1952, and going to work for Burroughs Adding Machine Company in Ft. Worth. On April 11, 1953, he married his lifelong love, Virginia Winfrey, in a double wedding ceremony in Sharp, TX. Following marriage, Doug was inducted into service with the 82nd Division 325 Airborne Infantry Regiment and moved to North Carolina to begin his military service. Upon his honorable discharge as a Master sergeant, Doug returned to Texas and began a distinguished career in business. He began working for Alcoa in Rockdale and then in Point Comfort. While working, he received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Texas at Austin, where he was a member of Delta Sigma Pi.
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Pathway will become another layer within Epicenter’s “capital stack” concept that matches entrepreneurs with the type of capital, from angel investment to bank debt to equity, ธุรกิจขายตรง based on the stage of their business. “This fund is a flexible and affordable way to support entrepreneurs and business owners — particularly in communities of color — with capital at a critical time in their growth,” said Leslie Lynn Smith, president and chief executive officer of Epicenter. Epicenter works with economic development, academic, corporate and government partners to support growth of new and existing tech startups, creative and community-based businesses, student entrepreneurs and other business across multiple industries and stages of growth. Pathway serves Tennessee, Alabama and Kentucky. It has made more than $225 million in loans and provided more than 48,000 hours of technical assistance since 1999. About 40 percent of Pathway loans have historically been to women-owned businesses, and about 20 percent to minority-owned, president Clint Gwin said. Pathway currently has about $10 million to $11 million in loans outstanding in Memphis. Hughes said the new program is an opportunity to significantly expand Pathways’ efforts in Memphis. “While we have an existing portfolio of clients in Memphis, we see tremendous opportunity in this new partnership with Epicenter to reach more entrepreneurs in this region, and, together with Epicenter and its network partners, provide a stronger set of tools to help unlock their growth potential,” Hughes said.
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