Indispensable Details In My Lucky Numbers Described

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Some Ideas For Consideration On Rapid Systems In

Free Will AstrologyWeek of May 17

PIXABAY In any case, I want to use the Harappan civilization's extended time of peace as a metaphor for your life in the next eight weeks. I believe (and hope!) you're entering into a phase of very low conflict. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Every human being I've ever known, me included, has to wage a continuous struggle between these pairs of opposites: 1. bad habits that waste their vitality and good habits that harness their vitality; 2. demoralizing addictions that keep them enslaved to the past and invigorating addictions that inspire them to create their best possible future. How's your own struggle going? I suspect you're in the midst of a turning point.

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